
This guideline explains how to setup and mount the Keyence Digital Fiber Optic Sensor (FS-N11CN).

Tool List 

No tools are necessary to setup the Keyence Digital Fiber Optic Sensor (FSN11CN)

Sensor Layout 

Parts of the sensor are:
  1. This is the SET push button; this is used to calibrate the sensitivity.
  2. This is the operation indicator; this indicates the current detection status.
  3. This is the PST indicator; this will light when a preset value is set.
  4. This is the DTM indicator; this will light when a datum mode is in effect.
  5. This is the setting display; this displays a setting value in green indicators.
  6. This is the current display; this displays the current value in red indicators.
  7. This is the manual button; this is used to adjust a value or select an option.
  8. This is the power select switch; this can be used to select the power mode or fix the power mode to “MEGA mode”.
  9. This is the MODE push button; this is used to select settings or confirm selections.
  10. This is the PRESET push button; this is used for presetting values.

Initial Settings Reset 

To return settings to factory default, press and hold the SET and PRESET buttons simultaneously for 3 seconds until the setting display flashes “rSt”.

Press the MODE button once and use the manual button until “init” is shown in the current display.

Press the MODE button once.  The current display should read “ok” and then be replaced by the current received light intensity.

Amplifier (AMP) Setup 

1)  To begin to change any AMP settings, press and hold the MODE button for approximately 3 seconds.

2)  “Fine” will now flash on the current display.  Press the manual button until the current display reads ”hSp”.  This is high speed mode and offers a response time of 50µs.  Press the MODE button once.

3)  The setting display will now flash “set”, and the current display will flash “std”.  Press the manual button until the current display reads “setP”.  This is the percentage calibration mode.  Press the MODE button once.

4)  The setting display will now flash “setP”, and the current display will flash  “10P”.  Press the manual button until the current display reads “15P”.  This indicates a 15% threshold of light intensity.  Press the MODE button once.

5)  The display will now flash “END”.  Press the manual button until the setting display reads “stG” and the current display reads “Func”.  This is the detection setup.  Press the MODE button once.

6)  The setting display will now flash “toff”, and the current display will now flash
 “----“.  This configures the timer function to turn the timer off.  Press the MODE button once.

7)  The setting display will now flash “detc”, and the current display will now flash “std”.  Press the manual button until the current display reads “Area”.  This sets the detection to be made only when light intensity is outside of plus or minus 15 percent of the calibrated light intensity.  Press the MODE button once.

8)  The setting display will now flash “in”, and the current display will now flash “off”.  Press the manual button until the current display reads “set”.  This allows external input to perform calibration. Press the MODE button once.

9)  The setting display will now flash “Att”, and the current display will now flash “100” and the current light intensity reading will be shown.  Press the MODE button once.  The display will read “END”.  Press the MODE button once.

10)  The setting display will now show the detection point, and the current display will now show the current light intensity.

11)  In order to correctly calibrate the current light intensity, press and release the SET button.  The new set value and light intensity should flash on the display.

Basic Fiber Optic Amp Settings 

  • Normally Open
  • High Speed = HSP
  • Percent Calibration = SET = SETP = 15%
  • Detection Setup = STG = FUNC
  • Detection = AREA
  • External Input = IN = SET
  • Light Intensity = ATT = 100


After completing these steps the Keyence Digital Fiber Optic Sensor (FS-N11CN) is ready for use.