
The table below provides a list of all control barcodes with descriptions of their purpose, the individual barcode and the message displayed on the controller when a scan is successful. Any barcode with the words "- example po -" in the example display does not have an effect on the display, which displays the file name of current pocket order by default.

* These commands cannot be used during an active sorting session

Example Controller Display
Bluetooth Diagnostic

Scanning this barcode will display the connected ring scanners, and a number
indicating the quality of the connection. The more negative the number displayed,
the weaker the signal.

On a rack with two ring scanners, one scanner will display on each line of the
controller display. On a rack with three ring scanners, scan the Toggle Diagnostic
bar code to bring up the third scanner's information.

Scan the Bluetooth diagnostic barcode again to turn off the diagnostics.

This can also be referred to as "Display Paired Scanner Info" in some documentation

Example message if one ring scanner is connected and the other is not.

Burn-In Diagnostic *

Scanning this barcode will set off a "burn-in" where each light on the rack is sequentially lit, and turned off. To stop the burn-in, scan the barcode again.

This can also be referred to as "Burn-in Mode" in some documentation.

Delete Pocket Order *

Scanning this barcode deletes all pocket order files stored on the controller.

Delete Sort Profiles *

Clears all sort profiles saved to the LightSort controller.

Display System Time

Scanning this barcode will display the system time on the controller, followed by
the time difference between the hardware and the software. Server time is always
set to UTC time.

Note: If the difference between hardware time and software time is greater than 10, please contact EII Customer Support.

This can also be referred to as "System Time Diagnostic" in some documentation.

The message will transition after a brief delay. "Diff" should be less than 10

Display Software Version

Displays the version of software currently installed on the controller.

This can also be referred to as "Version Diagnostic" in some documentation.

Display Paired Scanner Info

See the "Bluetooth Diagnostic" section.

See the "Bluetooth Diagnostic" section.

See the "Bluetooth Diagnostic" section.

Display IP Address

If connected to a network, this command displays the controller's current IP
address, and the network's host name.

This can also be referred to as "Pi IP Address Diagnostic" in some documentation.

Figure 8 Lightshow *

Scanning this barcode will cycle the lights on the rack in a figure 8 shape, starting in the upper left-most pocket.

Figure 8 Runners Lightshow *

Scanning this barcode will light up three lights at a time.

Local Time Diagnostic

Scanning this barcode will display the server time adjusted by the optional TimeZone value in the LSConfig file.

Example time and date display

Manually Push Logs to Server *

Scanning this barcode will send the current logs on the controller to the EII Site Server

This can be referred to as "Synchronize Logs" in some documentation.

Pi IP Address Diagnostic

See the "Display IP Address" section.

See the "Display IP Address" section.

See the "Display IP Address" section.

Print All Bag Tags

Scanning this barcode will cause the printer to print one of each bag tag listed in the print order file.

Random Lightshow *

Scanning this barcode will cause the lights on the rack to turn on at random.


Scanning this barcode turns off the controller and restarts it.

Reset Rack IDs

Clears the IDs written to any connected Rack ID boards (The rack ID tags will need
to be rescanned after being cleared).

Scan Lightshow *

Scanning this barcode will start a lightshow that turns on three lights at a time. The three left-most lights will turn on first, then the column will progress to the right until it hits the far right, then it will move back to the left.

Start Session

Scanning this barcode will start a new job session

Stop Lightshow *

Scanning this barcode will turn off the light show.

Stop Session

Scanning this barcode will end a currently running job session.

Synchronize Logs *

See the "Manually Push Logs to Server" section.

See the "Manually Push Logs to Server" section.

See the "Manually Push Logs to Server" section.

System Time Diagnostic

See the "Display System Time" section.

See the "Display System Time" section.

See the "Display System Time" section.

Test Lights Diagnostic

Scanning this barcode will turn the lights on in the same sequence as the burn-in,
but will only run the cycle once.

Toggle Pocket Order *

Scanning this barcode changes the pocket order the rack is set to.

Alternative example name of a pocket order file
Toggle Sort Profile *

Scanning this barcode changes the sort progile that the rack is set to.

Toggle PPH

Scanning this barcode will toggle through the Piece Per Hour display methods.

The options are "C" for current PPH, "A" for average PPH, and "M" for modified PPH.

Toggle PPH Operator

Scanning this barcode will change which operator's Piece Per Hour value is displayed on the controller when using dual-colored light boards.


Scanning this barcode unpairs the ring scanner used to scan the barcode. Scanning it will not unpair a hand scanner.

Unpair All

Scanning this barcode unpairs all ring scanners currently connected to the controller.

Version Diagnostic

See the "Display Software Version" section.

See the "Display Software Version" section.

See the "Display Software Version" section.

* These commands cannot be used during an active sorting session