
Account profile data can be exported from and imported to the EII console in a comma-delimited format. Any .csv file used to handle this detail will have a specific format, and the beginning row of the file defines each field. This article defines each of those fields, and explains their purpose.

Example File

Below is a segment of an example.csv file. 

Customer Name,Address 1,Address 2,City,State,Zip,Contact Name,Phone Number,Customer Notes,Customer Email,Customer Account Barcode Type,Customer Barcode Field,Custom Account Number,Department Name,... 

Example ACC,123 Main St,Suite 22,USA City,IN,44444,Joe Smith,555-555-5555,Notes,[email protected],Code 39,34324,1234,Example Department,...

The first row displays the titles of each field, and every following row creates or records a separate account profile, or a department of an account profile.

The second row displays an example department field.


Red Field Name = Required Field

PositionField NameDefinitionConsole LocationExampleData TypeField Restrictions
1Customer NameThe field defines the name of the account created by this row, or that serves as the owner of the department created by the row. The "Details" tab"Example ACC"String50 characters
2Address 1This field defines the main physical address of the account or department created by this row.The "Details" tab"123 Main St"String255 characters
3Address 2This field defines additional address details of the account or department created by this row, such as suite number.The "Details" tab"Suite 22"String255 characters 
4CityThis field defines the city associated with the account or department created by this row.The "Details" tab"USA City"String50 characters
5StateThis field defines the state associated with the account or department created by this row.The "Details" tab"IN"String2 characters
6ZipThis field defines the zip code associated with the account or department created by this row.The "Details" tab"44444"Numeric11 characters
7Contact NameThis field defines the name of the primary contact assigned to the account or department created by this row.The "Details" tab"Joe Smith"String50 characters
8Phone NumberThis field defines the phone number of the primary contact assigned to the account or department created by this row.The "Details" tab


Numeric20 characters
9Customer NotesThis field allows for custom notes, which will appear in the "Custom 1" field of the Custom tab. This field is intended to describe the account.The "Custom" tab"Notes"String100 characters
10Customer EmailThis field defines an email for the primary contact assigned to the account or department created by this row.The "Details" tab"[email protected]"String255 characters
11Customer Account Barcode TypeThis field defines the type of barcode the account or department created by this row handles. The "Custom" tab"Code 39"String50 characters
12Customer Barcode FieldUnique Barcode data associated to a particular Department The "Custom" tab"34324"
100 characters
13Custom Account Number This field defines a unique account number assigned to the account or department created by this row.The "Custom" tab"1234"
Value between 0 and 2,147,483,647
14Department NameThis field dictates whether the row creates an account or department. If the field is blank, the row creates an account. If the field is filled out, the row creates a department, and this field defines the name of department. The "Details" tab"Example Department"String50 characters
15Department NotesThis field allows for custom notes, which will appear in the "Custom 1" field of the Custom tab. This field is intended to describe the department.The "Custom" tab"Notes"
100 characters
16Use Return AddressThis field can contain either the value "True" or the value "False". If set to true, a set return address will be printed on large labels. If set to false, no return address will be printed.The "Details" tab"True"Boolean5 characters
17Return CompanyThis field defines the name of the company that handles returns for the account or departments created by this row.The "Details" tab"Returns R Us"String50 characters
18Return Address 1This field defines the main physical address all returned mail pieces will be returned to for the account or departments created by this row. The "Details" tab"65 West St"String255 characters
19Return Address 2This field defines additional address details for the location all returned mail pieces will be returned to for the account or departments created by this row.The "Details" tab"Suite RRU"String255 characters
20Return Address CityThis field defines the city associated with the location all returned mail pieces will be returned to for the account or department created by this row.The "Details" tab"New City"String50 characters
21Return Address StateThis field defines the state associated with the location all returned mail pieces will be returned to for the account or department created by this row.The "Details" tab "MN"String2 characters
22Return Address ZipThis field defines the zip code associated with the location all returned mail pieces will be returned to for the account or department created by this row.The "Details" tab"55401"Numeric11 characters
23Contact EmailThis field defines an email for the primary contact assigned to the account or department created by this row.The "Details" tab"[email protected]"String255 characters
24Contact FaxThis field defines a fax number for the primary contact assigned to the account or department created by this row.The "Details" tab

"1 323 555 1234"

20 characters
25KeywordsThis field defines keywords that can be used in the search parameters when running a billing reportThe "Details" tab"Flats"
512 characters
26Driver RouteThis route defines the type of is Driver Route utilized by the account of department created by this row.The "Custom" tab
Alphanumeric100 characters
27CustomerRefIDThis field defines the USPS given reference ID (often known as a CRID) assigned to the account or department created by this row.The "USPS" tab"123456789012345"Numeric15 characters
28PermitLinkedToCapsThis field can contain either the value "True" or the value "False". If set to True, the account or department will link a to a billing permit from MultiCAPS. If set to False, no permit will be linked. The "USPS" tab"False"Boolean5 characters
29Permit NumberThis field defines the permit number assigned by USPS to the account or department created by this row.The "USPS" tab0Numeric30 characters
30Permit OriginThis field defines the city and state of the Post Office that assigned the Permit to the account or department created by this row.  The "USPS" tab"Newville FL"
30 characters
31Permit Name

This field defines the name associated with the billing permit.

The "USPS" tab"17"
30 characters
32Account TagsThis field defines key variables that can be used in search parameters within the EII database.The "Details" tab"Flats"
512 characters
33NP STD Flats

This field defines all mall class options for pieces classified as a nonprofit standard flat. 

The mail class options are listed in the following order: 

Service Type ID / Mailer ID / Mail Owner Crid / Mail Owner MID / Endorsement GUID / Move Update Method ID/ Mail Owner Ghost Permit / Non-profit Auth Number / Customer Metered Mail / Metered At Full Service / Billing Profile GUID / Billing Profile Name / Secondary Billing Profile GUID / Secondary Billing Profile Name / Show All Billing Profiles

The "Class" tab"702/666666/813547/123456789/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/6/123456/5555555555/False/False/b777b777-b777-77b7-77bb-bb77bb777777/Default Nonprofit Standard Mail Flats (Nonprofit Standard Flat)/True"String/String/Long/Integer/GUID/Byte/String/String/Boolean/Boolean/GUID/String/GUID/String/Boolean3/6/6/9/36/1/8/10/5/5/36/50/36/50/5 characters
34Library ParcelsThis field defines all mall class options for pieces classified as a library parcel.

See row 33 for the full list of mail class options.
The "Class" tab"551/123456/813547/123456789/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/6/123456/5555555555/False/False/4rr44444-r444-44r4-r44r-4rr44r4444rr/Default Library Mail Parcels (Library Parcel)/0110d1b0-3ee3-33ww-a4aa-3a33aa3a33a3/Library Mail Parcels/True"String/String/Long/Integer/GUID/Byte/String/String/Boolean/Boolean/GUID/String/GUID/String/Boolean3/6/6/9/36/1/8/10/5/5/36/50/36/50/5 characters
35NP STD Mail Parcels

This field defines all mall class options for pieces classified as a nonprofit standard mail parcel. 

See row 33 for the full list of mail class options. 

The "Class" tab"269/123456/813547/123456789/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/6/123456/5555555555/False/False/555t5ttt-5t55-5t55-555t-5tt555tt5555/Nonprofit Standard Mail Parcels (Nonprofit Standard Parcel)/7u777uu7-7uu7-77u7-7777-u7uu7uuu7u7u/Standard Mail Parcels/True"String/String/Long/Integer/GUID/Byte/String/String/Boolean/Boolean/GUID/String/GUID/String/Boolean3/6/6/9/36/1/8/10/5/5/36/50/36/50/5 characters
36First Class LettersThis field defines all mall class options for pieces classified as a first class letter.

See row 33 for the full list of mail class options.
The "Class" tab"700/666666/813547/123456789/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/6/123456/5555555555/False/False/p00ppp00-000p-0p00-pppp-0000p0p00p0p/Default First-Class Letters (First Class )/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/First-Class Letters/True"String/String/Long/Integer/GUID/Byte/String/String/Boolean/Boolean/GUID/String/GUID/String/Boolean3/6/6/9/36/1/8/10/5/5/36/50/36/50/5 characters
37Nonpresorted BPM FlatsThis field defines all mall class options for pieces classified as a nonpresorted bound printed matter flat.

See row 33 for the full list of mail class options.
The "Class" tab"706/666666/813547/123456789/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/6/123456/5555555555/False/False/aa2aa33a-aaa3-3333-ss33-444444s4s44s/Default Nonpresorted BPM Flats (Nonpresorted BPM Flat)/ss44s4s4-22dd-2222-2d22-22d22d2d2d2d/Nonpresorted BPM Flats/True"String/String/Long/Integer/GUID/Byte/String/String/Boolean/Boolean/GUID/String/GUID/String/Boolean3/6/6/9/36/1/8/10/5/5/36/50/36/50/5 characters
38First Class FlatsThis field defines all mall class options for pieces classified as a first class flat.

See row 33 for the full list of mail class options.
The "Class" tab"700/666666/813547/123456789/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/6/123456/5555555555/False/False/a111111a-aaa1-2222-2b2b-22b2222bbb22/Default First-Class Flats (First Class Flat)/3333333c-c33c-3c33-33c3-3cc3c3c3c333/First-Class Flats/True"String/String/Long/Integer/GUID/Byte/String/String/Boolean/Boolean/GUID/String/GUID/String/Boolean3/6/6/9/36/1/8/10/5/5/36/50/36/50/5 characters
39Nonpresorted BPM ParcelsThis field defines all mall class options for pieces classified as a nonpresorted bound printed matter parcels.

See row 33 for the full list of mail class options.
The "Class" tab"419/123456/813547/123456789/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/6/123456/5555555555/False/False/ac555555-5c55-533c-3553-ddd33d33d3d3/Default Nonpresorted BPM Parcels (Nonpresorted BPM Parcel)/922a2222-22e2-2222-e2ee-2ee2e2222ee2/Nonpresorted BPM Parcels/True"String/String/Long/Integer/GUID/Byte/String/String/Boolean/Boolean/GUID/String/GUID/String/Boolean3/6/6/9/36/1/8/10/5/5/36/50/36/50/5 characters
40Media ParcelsThis field defines all mall class options for pieces classified as a media parcel.

See row 33 for the full list of mail class options.
The "Class" tab"490/123456/813547/123456789/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/6/123456/5555555555/False/False/8f888888-f888-88f8-ffff-88f88f888888/Default Media Mail Parcels (Media Parcel)/f888ff8f-8f8f-88ff-8f8f-8f8888f88f88/Media Mail Parcels/True"String/String/Long/Integer/GUID/Byte/String/String/Boolean/Boolean/GUID/String/GUID/String/Boolean3/6/6/9/36/1/8/10/5/5/36/50/36/50/5 characters
41STD FlatsThis field defines all mall class options for pieces classified as a standard flat.

See row 33 for the full list of mail class options.
The "Class" tab"702/666666/813547/123456789/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/6/123456/5555555555/False/False/a111111a-aaa1-2222-2b2b-22b2222bbb22/Default Standard Class Flats (Standard Flat)/3333333c-c33c-3c33-33c3-3cc3c3c3c333/Standard Class Flats/True"String/String/Long/Integer/GUID/Byte/String/String/Boolean/Boolean/GUID/String/GUID/String/Boolean3/6/6/9/36/1/8/10/5/5/36/50/36/50/5 characters
42Presorted BPM FlatsThis field defines all mall class options for pieces classified as a presorted bound printed matter flat.

See row 33 for the full list of mail class options.
The "Class" tab"706/666666/813547/123456789/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/6/123456/5555555555/False/False/11ww111w-www1-1w11-1ww1-11w11111www1/Default Presorted BPM Flats (Presorted BPM Flat)/f4f44444-44f4-4444-4444-444ff4f44444/Presorted BPM Flats/True"String/String/Long/Integer/GUID/Byte/String/String/Boolean/Boolean/GUID/String/GUID/String/Boolean3/6/6/9/36/1/8/10/5/5/36/50/36/50/5 characters
43Media FlatsThis field defines all mall class options for pieces classified as a media flat.

See row 33 for the full list of mail class options.
The "Class" tab"000/666666/813547/123456789/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/6/123456/5555555555/False/False/00aa00a0-aa0a-0000-0a00-00000a0a00a0/Default Media Mail Flats (Media Flat)/0000aa00-000a-0aa0-00a0-00aa0aa00aaa/Media Mail Flats/True"String/String/Long/Integer/GUID/Byte/String/String/Boolean/Boolean/GUID/String/GUID/String/Boolean3/6/6/9/36/1/8/10/5/5/36/50/36/50/5 characters
44Priority Dimensioned ParcelsThis field defines all mall class options for pieces classified as a priority dimensioned parcel.

See row 33 for the full list of mail class options.
The "Class" tab"055/123456/813547/123456789/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/6/123456/5555555555/False/False/d9d99d99-d9d9-99d9-d99d-99d9999ddd99/Default Priority Mail (DIM) (Priority (Dimensioned) Parcel)/99d99d99-99dd-99d9-d9d9-9999d99d99d9/Priority Mail/True"String/String/Long/Integer/GUID/Byte/String/String/Boolean/Boolean/GUID/String/GUID/String/Boolean3/6/6/9/36/1/8/10/5/5/36/50/36/50/5 characters
45Parcel Select PostThis field defines all mall class options for pieces classified as parcel select post.

See row 33 for the full list of mail class options.
The "Class" tab"612/123456/813547/123456789/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/6/123456/5555555555/False/False/2accac2c-a222-2c22-a222-222c22a2222c/Default Parcel Post (Parcel Select Ground Parcel)/22a2c222-2ca2-2a22-cacc-a22c2a2c222c/Parcel Post/True"String/String/Long/Integer/GUID/Byte/String/String/Boolean/Boolean/GUID/String/GUID/String/Boolean3/6/6/9/36/1/8/10/5/5/36/50/36/50/5 characters
46Presorted BPM ParcelsThis field defines all mall class options for pieces classified as a presorted bound printed mater parcel.

See row 33 for the full list of mail class options.
The "Class" tab"419/123456/813547/123456789/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/6/123456/5555555555/False/False/6ff6ff66-f66f-6f66-6fff-66ff6f666666/Default Presorted BPM Parcels (Presorted BPM Parcel)/4cc4cc44-c44c-4c44-4ccc-44cc4c444444/Presorted BPM Parcels/True"String/String/Long/Integer/GUID/Byte/String/String/Boolean/Boolean/GUID/String/GUID/String/Boolean3/6/6/9/36/1/8/10/5/5/36/50/36/50/5 characters
47Priority ParcelsThis field defines all mall class options for pieces classified as a priority parcel.

See row 33 for the full list of mail class options.
The "Class" tab"055/666666/813547/123456789/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/6/123456/5555555555/False/False/f22ff222-fff2-22f2-2fff-2f2f222f2222/Default Priority Mail (No DIM) (Priority (No Dimension) Parcel)/5h555hh5-h5hh-5hhh-555h-f55f555hhhhh/Priority Mail/True"String/String/Long/Integer/GUID/Byte/String/String/Boolean/Boolean/GUID/String/GUID/String/Booleanv3/6/6/9/36/1/8/10/5/5/36/50/36/50/5 characters
48First Class ParcelsThis field defines all mall class options for pieces classified as a first class parcel.

See row 33 for the full list of mail class options.
The "Class" tab"001/123456/813547/123456789/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/6/123456/5555555555/False/False/00ll0000-0l0l-0l00-lll0-l00l0l0l00l0/Default First-Class Parcels (First Class Parcel)/11a11aa1-11aa-1111-a11a-1a1a11a1a1a1/First-Class Parcels/True"String/String/Long/Integer/GUID/Byte/String/String/Boolean/Boolean/GUID/String/GUID/String/Boolean3/6/6/9/36/1/8/10/5/5/36/50/36/50/5 characters
49Parcel Select LWThis field defines all mall class options for pieces classified as parcel select lightweight.

See row 33 for the full list of mail class options.
The "Class" tab"748/666666/813547/999999999/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/6/123456/5555555555/False/False/c334434c-33a4-33a2-ac44-c4c44333c4c4/Default PS Lightweight (Parcel)/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/PS Lightweight/True"String/String/Long/Integer/GUID/Byte/String/String/Boolean/Boolean/GUID/String/GUID/String/Boolean3/6/6/9/36/1/8/10/5/5/36/50/36/50/5 characters
50STD ParcelsThis field defines all mall class options for pieces classified as a standard parcel.

See row 33 for the full list of mail class options.
The "Class" tab"703/123456/813547/123456789/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/6/123456/5555555555/False/False/ee44e444-4444-4444-4444-44e44e4e44e4/Default Standard Mail Parcels (Standard Parcel)/e4ee444e-4e4e-44ee-444e-e4e44444444e/Standard Mail Parcels/True"String/String/Long/Integer/GUID/Byte/String/String/Boolean/Boolean/GUID/String/GUID/String/Boolean3/6/6/9/36/1/8/10/5/5/36/50/36/50/5 characters
51Library FlatsThis field defines all mall class options for pieces classified as a library flat.

See row 33 for the full list of mail class options.
The "Class" tab"706/666666/813547/123456789/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/6/5555555555//False/False/9999mmmm-9999-mm99-99mm-99mmm9999m99/Default Library Mail Flats (Library Flat)/6d66d66d-666d-6d66-6d6d-6d66666d6d6d/Library Mail Flats/True"String/String/Long/Integer/GUID/Byte/String/String/Boolean/Boolean/GUID/String/GUID/String/Boolean3/6/6/9/36/1/8/10/5/5/36/50/36/50/5 characters
52Barcode Slot 1This field defines the barcode data (name, pattern, type, and whether it is used as IMB Sequence ID, is required, and if the console should fill no barcode with routing) for the first barcode slot the account or department created by this row.  

The barcode data is listed in the following order:

Name / Pattern / FillNoBCWithRouting / IsIMBReplacement / IsRequired 

The "Barcode" tab"2D/^.*$/0/False/False/True"String/String/Integer/Boolean/Boolean/Boolean20 characters/100 characters/Value between 0 and 255/5 characters/5 characters/5 characters
53Barcode Slot 2

This field defines the barcode data for the second barcode slot the account or department created by this row. 

See row 52 for the full list of barcode data

The "Barcode" tab"2D/^.*$/0/False/False/True"String/String/Integer/Boolean/Boolean/Boolean20 characters/100 characters/Value between 0 and 255/5 characters/5 characters/5 characters
54Barcode Slot 3This field defines the barcode data for the third barcode slot the account or department created by this row.  

See row 52 for the full list of barcode data
The "Barcode" tab
"2D/^.*$/0/False/False/True"String/String/Integer/Boolean/Boolean/Boolean20 characters/100 characters/Value between 0 and 255/5 characters/5 characters/5 characters
55Barcode Slot 4This field defines the barcode data for the fourth barcode slot the account or department created by this row.  

See row 52 for the full list of barcode data
The "Barcode" tab
"2D/^.*$/0/False/False/True"String/String/Integer/Boolean/Boolean/Boolean20 characters/100 characters/Value between 0 and 255/5 characters/5 characters/5 characters
56Barcode Slot 5This field defines the barcode data for the fifth barcode slot the account or department created by this row.  

See row 52 for the full list of barcode data
The "Barcode" tab
"2D/^.*$/0/False/False/True"String/String/Integer/Boolean/Boolean/Boolean20 characters/100 characters/Value between 0 and 255/5 characters/5 characters/5 characters