Ink Cartridge Removal
- Remove and replace the ink cartridge frequently
- Depending on use, you may have to clean the cartridge multiple times each day
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- Remove the ink cartridges by pulling the cartridge clasp away from the cartridge and lowering it until it is oriented horizontally
- Gently pull out the ink cartridge
Cleaning the Ink Cartridge
- Clean the cartridge by gently wiping it across a dry, lint-free wipe
- The ink should appear on the wipe as two straight, well-defined lines
- If the lines are blurred, the cartridge is dirty
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Priming the Nozzle
- Moisten a lint-free wipe with de-ionized water
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- Wipe cartridge until two good lines of ink are observed on the wipe
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- Connect syringe into clip
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- Insert cartridge into clip, facing upside-down as shown
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- Draw 2-4 mL of ink into syringe
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- Unclip cartridge while applying pressure to top of syringe
- Wipe excess ink from face of cartridge
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Replacing the Ink Cartridge
- Set the cartridge back on the printer assembly cartridge holder with the ink side facing downward
- The cartridge will appear to be on its side, as the print surface will be facing outward, toward the belts
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- Press the cartridge into the printer assembly cartridge holder
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- Raise the cartridge clasp until it clicks into place and holds the ink cartridge firmly
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Note: Ink cartridges have a shelf life of 12 months from the date of manufacture.