In the event that a Control Board requires programming or reprogramming while troubleshooting an issue, the following procedure should be used.  THE INSTRUCTIONS OUTLINED BELOW SHOULD ONLY BE USED WHEN PROGRAMMING A CONTROL 100 BOARD ON AN EZ-PARCELS MACHINE.

Preparation for Control Board Programming

  • Transfer the folder containing the current released firmware files to a location accessible from the workstation
    • Desktop is most common location
    • Public folder may also be used

  • Get a USB cable long enough to reach from the Workstation PC to the board being programmed
    • Style must be USB-A to USB-B
  • Make sure jumper is present on the Daughter (extension) Board of either the Tower or Transport board
    • The jumper will be used in the next section to erase the current programming from the Control Board before the new firmware is uploaded
    • If no jumper is present, something metal, such as a knife or a screwdriver may be used

Erasing Current Programming from the Control Board

Please note that the orientation of the board may differ from that seen in the following pictures, as the orientation of the board is different in some sections of the machine

  • The current board configuration must always be erased from the board prior to programming
    • This must still be done if the board is new and has not previously been programmed

  • If any board other than the Tower Control Board is being programmed, the USB cable of the Tower Control Board must be disconnected from the Workstation PC before proceeding

  • With power still applied to the Control Board, remove the jumper that was found in Preparation for Control Board Programming and place it on the ERASE terminal
    • If erasing a Tower or Transport Control Board, this terminal will be located in the bottom right corner of the Daughter Board
    • If erasing an Applicator or Stacker Control Board, this terminal will be located toward the center of the Control Board
  • After the jumper has been fully seated on the ERASE terminal, it must be removed and placed back in its original location
  • If the jumper is not present and a metal tool is being used, touch both posts of the ERASE terminal simultaneously
  • Once both posts on the ERASE terminal have been touched by either the jumper or the tool, the heartbeat will cease

  • Remove the POWER and USB cables from the board and then plug them back into their corresponding terminals to reset the board
    • Once completed, any lights that were present from previous programming will no longer be illuminated
  • The Reset button may be pressed rather than re-seating the cables, but since this method is not reliable and can cause the board to be only partially erased, it is not recommended

Initialization of the Virtual Machine

  • Once the programming has been erased from the Control Board, navigate to C:\Users\EIIOperator\Virtual Machines
    • If this step is done before the board has been erased, the virtual machine will likely have trouble recognizing the USB device in Configuration of the Virtual Machine

  • Open file Windows XP Mode.vmcx
    • A window will appear showing the progress as the program opens
  • A login screen will appear
    • Enter the credentials found in file Login Info.txt, which is also located in the Virtual Machines folder

Configuration of the Virtual Machine

  • Once the virtual machine is open on the workstation, click USB
    • This button will be located at the top middle if viewing the virtual machine in Full Screen mode
    • This button will be located in the toolbar in the upper left corner if viewing the virtual machine in a minimized state

  • USB devices found on the system will appear in the drop-down as devices that may be attached to the virtual machine
  • Click Communication Device to tether it to the machine
    • The attachment must be successful for the board to be successfully programmed
  • If Communication Device is not present in the drop-down, board erasure may not have been completely successful
    • Repeat the steps outlined above in Erasing Current Programming from the Control Board

Uploading of Firmware to the Control Board

  • Open the icon on the desktop titled Make Control Helper
  • When the Make Control (MC) Helper window appears, select the Browse button
  • Navigate to the location in which the firmware was placed in the the Preparation for Control Board Programming section above
  • Select the applicable file from the folder
    • The name of the file corresponds with the section of the machine for which the Control Board is being programmed
      • Note that the "Inductor" file is to be used when programming a Control Board for the Tower
  • Select Open
  • The filepath will appear in the Binary File field
  • Select Upload
    • If connection to the board was successful, it will read Starting Upload
  • If a notification appears stating that it could not find the boot agent or connect to the USB device, verify the following:
    • USB cable is fully seated in the board and the PC
      • It may be necessary to change USB ports or cables if troubleshooting is not successful, as it is possible that they may no longer be functional
    • Communications Device attachment was successful in section Configuration of the Virtual Machine
      • If its status says Attach, repeat the steps in Configuration of the Virtual Machine
    • Power is being applied to the board
      • If only one light is present in USB+5V or if no lights are present, power is not being applied to the board
        • Verify that the Power cable is seated properly in the Power terminal
      • It is possible that the Power cable is seated one pin too far to the left or right on the Power terminal and needs to be adjusted accordingly
    • Board was erased successfully 
      • If other troubleshooting steps are unsuccessful, the board may need to be erased again

  • The progress bar under the Binary File field will advance as the upload progresses
  • When finished, the field at the bottom of the window will read Upload complete, as seen to the right
  • Remove the POWER and USB cables from the board and then plug them back into their corresponding terminals to reset the board
    • Once the cables have been re-seated, many additional lights will be illuminated and the heartbeat will return
      • If this does not occur, programming may not have been successful and the procedure outlined in this article will need to be repeated in its entirety

  • At this time, the board should be tested using the Helm or Console
    • The function being tested should correspond with the section of the machine for which the board was programmed