1.  Navigate to the "Label List" folder of the files, either by following the file tree on the left hand page, or double-clicking on the "Files" icon and navigating the subsequent pages.
2.  The date for each folder is the at the end of the title.  The most recent date is the best folder to choose.
3.  Inside of the latest folder, click to download the ".exe" file.

Note:  If you are downloading the file away from an Eii machine, you will need to copy the "EII Labeling List" file to a flash drive and place it on the desktop of the Eii machine before proceeding.
4.  Click on the label list file you downloaded in order to run it.
5. Select "Next >" to begin the installation.
6. Select the "Install" button.
7. Wait for the update process to complete.  This may take a few minutes.
8. Once the installation is completed, hit "Finish".