Before processing mail, the system requires a return address to be entered.

Address Mail menu selections will be unavailable if a category has no appropriate transactions.

1)  Hover over the “EZ Address™” tab in the tool bar.  This will open a drop-down menu.

2)  In the drop-down menu, go to "Address Mail" and select either the "Confirmation Mail" tab or the "Certified Mail" tab.

3)  Select the "Modify Your Return Address" button to add or modify the return address.
4)  To include a company logo with the return address, use the "Browse" button on the left side of the screen to locate a logo file.
  • Ideal characteristics are:
    • Dimensions:  100 x 300 px
    • JPG or GIF format
  • If the logo is larger than 100 x 300 px, it will be resized automatically by the system
5)  On the right side of the screen, enter the return address as it should appear on pieces created from this account.
  • Selecting the "Standardize this Address" box means a validation check will be performed on the address before it is saved.  If the address is invalid, a label will not be generated.
6)  Once the return address and optional logo file location have been entered, hit "Submit."
7)  "Return Address Updated Successfully" will appear above the "Basic Return Address Information" heading if the entry saved successfully.  Hit "Done" to return to the “EZ Address™” page.