After completing a round of mail processing, the EII software produces a job export file with information about each individual piece in the mailing. This file is a comma-delimited text file, with the first line serving as a header and each subsequent line describing a different mail piece.
For more information on how to access this file, refer to the "Accessing the Job Export File" article.
Example File
Below is a segment of an example job export .csv file.
Piece ID, Machine Serial, Time Stamp, Weight, Handling Type, USPS Mail Class...
4193890601-257263342,4008,6/19/2019 11:19 AM,1.140000,FLATS,FIRST CLASS...
4193890601-257263343,4308,6/19/2019 11:19 AM,6.010000,FLATS,FIRST CLASS...
Position | Field Name | Description | Example | Data Type |
1 | Piece ID | A unique ID of the mail piece, with a maximum of 20 characters | 4993200323-000024705 | String |
2 | Machine Serial | The serial number of the machine | 4001 | String |
3 | Time Stamp | The date and time the mail piece was run | 3/23/2020 4:17:00 PM | Datetime |
4 | Weight | The weight of the mail piece in ounces | 11.515 | Decimal |
5 | Handling Type | The USPS Handling Type of the mail piece, as specified in the Sort Profile Editor | FLATS | String |
6 | USPS Mail Class | The USPS Mail Class of the mail piece, as specified in the Sort Profile Editor | FIRST CLASS | String |
7 | USPS Mail Prep Type | The USPS Prep type of the mail piece, as specified in the Sort Profile Editor | SGLP | String |
8 | Routing Category | The routing category of the mail piece | Resolved | String |
9 | Routing String | The zip code of the mail piece or the description of the reject | "46041420234" or "OCR Reject" | String |
10 | Bundle Qualification | The sort qualification for the mail piece | 5D | String |
11 | Bundle Zip | The zip code for the bundle qualification | 460 | String |
12 | Account ID | The unique EII-assigned ID number assigned to the mail piece's account by the "Account ID" field in the Account Profile Editor | 245 | Integer |
13 | AccountName | A human readable name for the mail piece's account, assigned in the "Account Name" field of the Account Profile Editor | Example Mail Co. | String |
14 | Custom Account Code | The unique presorter-assigned ID number assigned to the mail piece by the "Custom Account Number" field in the Account Profile Editor for the mail piece's account | 123-42123-124-01 | String |
15 | Customer Barcode Symbology | The symbology used in a barcode that could have changed the mail piece's account and department, assigned by the “Custom Account Barcode Type” field in the Account Profile Editor | Code 93 | String |
16 | Customer Barcode | The data value used in a barcode that could have changed the mail piece's account and department, assigned by the "Custom Account Barcode Data" field in the Account Profile Editor | A51001 | String |
17 | Department ID | The Eii-assigned ID number for the mail piece's department, found in the Account Profile Editor | 294 | Integer |
18 | Department Name | A human readable name for the mail piece's department, assigned in the Account Profile Editor | West Department | String |
19 | Manifest ID | The six-digit ID of the manifest that contains the mail piece | 000024 | String |
20 | Piece Postage | The piece rate paid for the mail piece in US dollars | 0.364 | Decimal |
21 | LBS Postage | The portion of the postage attributable to mail piece weight in US dollars | 0.770 | Decimal |
22 | Final Postage | The sum of Piece Postage and LBS Postage in US dollars | 1.134 | Decimal |
23 | Fully Paid Postage | The postage that would have been paid for the mail piece if mailed at the retail rate | 1.25 | Decimal |
24 | Billing Amount | The amount charged to the account for mailing the mail piece | 1.25 | Decimal |
25 | IMB Tracking Code | The portion of the IMb which is the unique tracking number for the mail piece. This does not include the zip code | 00040666666000000539 | String |
26 | SackLevel | The sort qualification for the container, which is typically a sack or tray | 5D | String |
27 | SackZip | The zip code for the sacklevel qualification. Only used with sacks and trays | 479 | String |
28 | DestinationEntryLevel | The type of entry facility to which the mail piece will be drop shipped | DSCF | String |
29 | Zone | An approximation of the distance traveled by the mail piece from its Entry Point to the Destination | 5 | Integer |
30 | Irregular | A value that shows whether or not the mail piece is considered an irregular flat or parcel | FALSE | Boolean |
31 | Custom1 | Any additional information added by the presorter to the mail piece's department in the Account Profile Editor's "Custom 1" field | "Send before July" | String |
32 | Custom2 | Any additional information added by the presorter to the mail piece's department in the Account Profile Editor's "Custom 2" field | "Batch 27" | String |
33 | Driver Route | The human readable name for the driver's route, assigned by the "Driver Route" field in the Account Profile Editor | Lafayette Route | String |
34 | ADC | The code of the area distribution center handling the mail piece, if supported by the USPS Mail Prep Type | 460 | String |
35 | Schemed 3D | The 3 digit scheme of the mail piece, if supported by the USPS Mail Prep Type | 460 | String |
36 | Schemed 5D | The 5 digit scheme of the mail piece, if supported by the USPS Mail Prep Type | 47905 | String |
37 | Manifest Date | The date the mail piece was manifested | 3/23/2020 4:21:00 PM | String |
38 | Length | The length of mail piece in inches (Default is 0) | 5.5 | Decimal |
39 | Width | The width of mail piece in inches (Default is 0) | 10.25 | Decimal |
40 | Height | The height of mail piece in inches (Default is 0) | 8.5 | Decimal |
41 | Girth | The girth of mail piece in inches (Default is 0) | 4.75 | Decimal |
42 | IsFlatRateConversion | A value that shows whether or not the mail piece's rate was converted to a flat rate box | FALSE | Boolean |
43 | Nonrectangular | A value that shows whether or not the mail piece is not rectangular | FALSE | Boolean |
44 | SubType | The sub-type of the mail piece | Large Flat Rate Box | String |
45 | OCR | The type of OCR that resolved the mail piece | PACM | String |
46 | NDC | The code of the Network Distribution Center handling the mail piece, if supported by the USPS Mail Prep Type | 68079 | String |
47 | ASF | The code of the Auxiliary Service Facility handling the mail piece, if supported by the USPS Mail Prep Type | 852 | String |
48 | SCF | The code of the Sectional Center Facility handling the mail piece, if supported by the USPS Mail Prep Type | 460 | String |
49 | Master Mail Class | The master class in EZ-Flats system | USPS Domestic | String |
50 | EZConfirm PIC | The PIC number for EZConfirm | 9102150608453001908598 | String |
51 | EZConfirm ProcessingType | The method processed by EZConfirm | GreenDiamonBorder | String |
52 | EZConfirm Name | The name of piece recipient | Don Caddy | String |
53 | EZConfirm Company | The company of piece recipient | Engineering Innovation | String |
54 | EZConfirm Address1 | The address of piece recipient | 3601 Sagamore Pkw N | String |
55 | EZConfirm Address2 | Any additional address information of piece recipient | SUITE EII | String |
56 | EZConfirm City | The city of piece recipient | Lafayette | String |
57 | EZConfirm State | The state of piece recipient | IN | String |
58 | EZConfirm Zip | The zip code of piece recipient | 47904 | String |
59 | EZConfirm Zip4 | The Zip4 of piece recipient | 0123 | String |
60 | EZConfirm RecordCaseNumber | A custom user field attached to EZConfirm | 24254-fasdfs | String |
61 | EZConfirm IsUploaded | A value that shows whether the mail piece has been sent to EZConfirm | NotUploaded | String |
62 | WABCR Symbology1 | The data type of a barcode on the mail piece, if that barcode matches the "Barcode Type” field of "Slot # 1" in the Barcodes tab of the Account Profile Editor for the mail piece's department | IntelligentMail | String |
63 | WABCR Data1 | The data contained in the barcode reported by "WABCR Symbology1", as long as it matches the "Barcode Pattern" field set in Slot #1 | 0070012345612345678947902 | String |
64 | WABCR Symbology2 | The data type of a barcode on the mail piece, if that barcode matches the "Barcode Type” field of "Slot # 2" in the Barcodes tab of the Account Profile Editor for the mail piece's department | QR | String |
65 | WABCR Data2 | The data contained in the barcode reported by "WABCR Symbology2", as long as it matches the "Barcode Pattern" field set in Slot #2 | Return address not provided | String |
66 | WABCR Symbology3 | The data type of a barcode on the mail piece, if that barcode matches the "Barcode Type” field of "Slot # 3" in the Barcodes tab of the Account Profile Editor for the mail piece's department | RoyalMail | String |
67 | WABCR Data3 | The data contained in the barcode reported by "WABCR Symbology3", as long as it matches the "Barcode Pattern" field set in Slot #3 | (BX11LT1A|) | String |
68 | WABCR Symbology4 | The data type of a barcode on the mail piece, if that barcode matches the "Barcode Type” field of "Slot # 4" in the Barcodes tab of the Account Profile Editor for the mail piece's department | Code128 | String |
69 | WABCR Data4 | The data contained in the barcode reported by "WABCR Symbology4", as long as it matches the "Barcode Pattern" field set in Slot #4 | RI 476 394 652 CH | String |
70 | WABCR Symbology5 | The data type of a barcode on the mail piece, if that barcode matches the "Barcode Type” field of "Slot # 5" in the Barcodes tab of the Account Profile Editor for the mail piece's department | Code39 | String |
71 | WABCR Data5 | The data contained in the barcode reported by "WABCR Symbology5", as long as it matches the "Barcode Pattern" field set in Slot #5 | 068437389754 | String |
72 | Job Name | The operator-defined name of the job in which the mail piece was run | BPM Parcels 06-19-19 | String |
73 | BillingID | The Eii assigned billing number | 421 | Integer |
74 | Permit Origin | The city and state of the Post Office that assigned the Permit, as shown in "Permit Origin" field the Account Profile Editor | 47904 | String |
75 | Permit Number | The permit number assigned by USPS to the account or department, as shown in the "Permit Number" field of the Account Profile Editor | 5 | String |
76 | Permit Name | The name associated with the billing permit in the "Permit Name" field of the Account Profile Editor. | 17 | String |
77 | EZConfirm Special Services | The USPS Special Services sent to EZConfirm for the mail piece | Signature Required | String |
78 | MailPieceTagData | The operator defined job sheet ID with which the mail piece was run | Secondary Account" | String |
79 | IsOpenAndDistribute | A value that shows whether or not the mail piece is being shipped as a priority mail open and distribute (PMOD) piece | FALSE | Boolean |
80 | Payment Method | A code that represents the system being used to pay for the mail piece | EVS | String |
81 | Premeter Qual Level | A value that shows whether the mail piece was premetered at the 3-digit of 5-digit level | FiveD | String |
82 | KeyLine | The unique code assigned by the mailer to the recipient if the mail piece is supported by Address Change Service | #4321 LMNO 283C /09# | String |
83 | IMPB | The intelligent mail parcel barcode assigned to the mail piece | 42036375CFNC179241992345692 4199234560000000001 | String |
84 | EFN | The identifying electronic file number of the header of the mail piece's SSF | 927509018632661019229 | String |
85 | Surcharge Postage | The value of any surcharge added to the mail piece in US dollars | 0.20 | Decimal |
86 | FSS | The Flats Sequencing System facility of the mail piece if supported by the USPS Mail Prep Type | 46250 | String |
87 | TubNumber | The EII-assigned unique ID for the tub, tray, or sack containing the mail piece | 59 | String |
88 | Postal Discounts | The value of the full-service discount applied to the mail piece in US dollars. | .003 | Decimal |
89 | HRAddress | The human readable version of the mail piece recipient's street address | 3601 Sagamore Pkwy N | String |
90 | HRCity | The human readable version of the mail piece recipient's city | Lafayette | String |
91 | HRState | The human readable version of the mail piece recipient's state | IN | String |
92 | HRZip | The human readable version of the mail piece recipient's zip code | 47904 | String |
93 | LabelListInstallerVersion | The EII version number of the USPS Labeling List used to process the mail piece | | String |
94 | Is Move | Whether or not the mail piece was processed with UMove | FALSE | Boolean |